Pierre Broué

The German Revolution

Abbreviations and Acronyms

AAUAllgemeine Arbeiter-Union, ‘unionist’ organisation of an ultra-leftist tendency.

ADGBAllgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, workers’ trade-union confederation.

AfAAllgemeiner freier Angestelltenbund, white-collar trade-union confederation.

Agit-prop – Department of the Central Committee for propaganda and agitation.

Bezirk – Party district; grouped together to form Oberbezirk, subdivided into Unterbezirk.

BLBezirksleitung, Party leadership in a district.

Comintern – Communist International.

DMVDeutscher Metallarbeitverband, metalworkers’ union.

IKDInternationale Kommunisten Deutschlands, organisation of the ‘left radicals’ in 1918, successor to the ISD.

InprekorrInternationale Presse-Korrespondenz, Comintern information bulletin.

ISDInternationale Sozialisten Deutschlands, organisation of the ‘left radicals’ before 1918.

ISR – Red International of Labour Unions.

KAGKommunistische Arbeitsgemeinschaft, group organised by Levi and his supporters in the summer of 1921.

KAP (or KAPD) – Kommunistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands, left-Communist party founded in 1920.

KJVDKommunistischer Jugendverband Deutschlands, organisation of the Communist Party youth.

KOKampforganisation, combat group of the KPD(S).

KPDKommunistische Partei Deutschlands, name of the Communist Party from November to December 1920 and after August 1921.

KPD(S)Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (Spartakusbund), name of the Communist Party from January 1919 to November 1920.

KPO (or KPD-O) – Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (Opposition), organisation of the ‘right’ Communists, with Brandler, after 1929.

Leninbund – Lenin League, organisation of the ‘left’ Communists, with Urbahns, after 1928.

Oberbezirk – See Bezirk.

Orgburo – Organisation Bureau of the Zentrale.

OrgeschOrganisation Escherisch, extreme right-wing terrorist group.

Orgleiter – Party member with organisational responsibility.

Polbüro – Political bureau of the Zentrale.

Polleiter – Communist Party member with political responsibility.

Profintern – Red International of Labour Unions.

SAP (or SAPD) – Sozialistische Arbeiterpartei Deutschlands, left Social-Democratic Party from 1931.

SEDSozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands, party formed from the fusion of the Communist and Social-Democratic Parties in East Germany.

SPDSozialistische Partei Deutschlands, name of the Social-Democratic Party until 1922.

TenoTechnische Nothilfe, technical emergency service, organisation of strike-beakers.

Unterbezirk – See Bezirk.

USPDUnabhängige Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, Independent Social-Democratic Party.

USPD (Linke) – Independent Social-Democratic Party (Left), name of the Independent Party from the Halle Congress to the Fusion Congress with the KPD.

VKPDVereinigte Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands, name of the United Communist Party from December 1920 (fusion with the USPD) to August 1921 (Jena Congress).

VSPDVereinigte Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, name of the United Social-Democratic Party after the reintegration of the Independents in 1922.

Zentrale – Centre, leadership of the Communist Party, composed of leading members resident at the centre.

Zentralausschuss – Central Committee, broader leadership body of the Party including representatives from the various regions.

Last updated on 13.2.2014