Vladimir Ilyich
Born: 1870
Died: 1924
Leader of the 1917 Russian Revolution. Marxist theoretician. First
premier of the USSR. Founder of the Bolsheviks (1903). He adopted the
New Economic Policy after the Russian Civil War practically destroyed
the economy. In 1919, formed the Third International.
1895: Frederick Engels obiturary
1908: Marxism and Revisionism
1913: The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism
1913: What can be done for public education
1913: The Historical Destiny of the Doctrine of Karl Marx
1913: The Marx-Engels Correspondence
1914: Granat encyclopaedia article on Karl Marx
1914: Disruption of Unity Under Cover of Outcries for Unity
1915: On the Two Lines of the Revolution
1917: The State and Revolution
Also: straight ascii version
1918: The Military Programme Of The Proletarian Revolution
1919: Interview with the Manchester Guardian
1919: A Great Beginning: Heroism of the Workers in the Rear. "Communist Subbotniks."
1920: Left-Wing Communism -- an Infantile Disorder
1921: Draft resolutions of the 10th Congress of the R.C.P.
1891: Lenin at age 20
1897: Lenin and his books
1897: Portrait
1897: Portrait
1910: Portrait
1914: Portrait
1917: Portrait
1918: Portrait
1918: Reading the daily papers
1918: Reading the daily papers
1918: Lenin in convalesence after attempted assassination (Kremlin courtyard)
1920: Speaking
1920: Portrait
1920: Speaking
1921: Portrait
1921: Portrait
1921: Watching first Soviet electric plough at training and experimental farm of Moscow Zootechnics Institute
1922: Lenin outdoors
1929: Lenin poster