The Emancipation of the Jews 1791

Law Relating to the Jews

Source: Loi relative aux Juifs. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1791;
Translated: for by Mitchell Abidor;
CopyLeft: Creative Commons (Attribute & ShareAlike) 2009.

Given in Paris, November 13, 1791

LOUIS, by the grace of God and by the constitutional law of the state King of the French. To all present and to come: greetings

The National Assembly has decreed, and we wish and order the following:

Of September 27, 1791

The National Assembly, considering that the conditions necessary for being a French citizen and to become an active citizen are fixed by the constitution and, that any man who brings together such conditions, swears a civic oath, and commits to fulfill all the duties that the constitution imposes has a right to all the advantages it ensures;

Revokes all adjournments, reservations, and exceptions inserted into preceding decrees relating to Jewish individuals who take the civic oath, the doing of which shall be regarded as a renunciation of all privileges and exceptions previously inserted in their favor.

We demand and order all administrative bodies and tribunals to enter this in their registers; read, publish, and post it in their respective departments and areas of responsibility, and execute it as the law of the kingdom. In faith of which We have signed the present, to which We have affixed the state seal. Paris, the thirteenth day of the month of November, the year of grace one thousand seven hundred ninety-one, and the eighteenth of our reign.
