Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line

The Workers’ Advocate Supplement – Index

The Workers’ Advocate Supplement was a theoretical supplement to the Workers’ Advocate newspaper issued by the Marxist-Leninist Party. The Supplement also carried various articles, leaflets, and other materials on current political events that did not make it into The Workers’ Advocate regular issues for one reason or another. The Supplement was published from 1985 to 1993.

Volume 1:

No. 1, January 15, 1985

Introducing the Supplement
Study the analysis of the Second National Conference of the MLP
Two speeches:
Against Racism and National Oppression
On the League of Revolutionary Black Workers
No to reprisals against wildcat strikers at Chrysler
More on the Postal contract
On the starvation agreement between the IMF and the social-democratic government in the Dominican Republic
Condemn the attacks of the bourgeois nationalist KDP against the revolutionary toilers of Kurdistan
How “The Student” emerged at MIT

No. 2, March 15, 1985

On the struggle against national oppression at Roswell Park hospital in Buffalo
New Zealand and the Anti-Nuclear Movement
Boston Transit Workers Face Reaganite Cuts
Denounce Police Raids on Detroit Schools
From the Nicaraguan Marxist-Leninists Speech on the Present Situation
Plan of Struggle

No. 3, May 1, 1985

In Defense of Leninist United Front Tactics
On Materials for the Study of the 7th Congress
Some Notes on the 7th Congress (An introduction to the Study of Dimitrov’s Report)
Against Trotskyite Critique of the 7th Congress

No. 4, May 25, 1985

May Day and the lessons of Viet Nam
Other May Day Speeches:
Proletarian Internationalism and the Struggle Against the Democratic Party
On the Present-Day Significance of the Wrong Views of the 7th, CI Congress
Boston transit Workers: What Happened to the Contract?
Postal Workers: Lots to Lose and Nothing to Win in the ’Crew of the Month’ Game Detroit Auto Workers: Reactionaries Fail to Stop the Distribution Among the Workers of Literature in Support of the Revolutionary Struggle in S. Africa
Support KOMALA and the Revolutionary Toilers of Kurdistan Against the Tyranny of KDP and the Kurdish Bourgeoisie
KOMALA Communique
From ’Radio Voice of the Revolution’

No. 5, June 15, 1985

On the Black Panther Party
Reagan’s “Star Wars” is for Aggression
The Bombing of a Black Neighborhood in Philadelphia – A Racist Atrocity
The Student Denounces Embargo of Nicaragua
MIT Students In Struggle Against Apartheid
The Sad Results of Negotiations with the South African Racists
Seattle: Against the Reagan Agenda for the Public Schools
New York Transit: the Slavedriver is Dead, Long Live the Slavedriver
Boston: Magnesium Workers Fight Union ’Breaking’ and Sweatshop Conditions
Party of Labor of Albania Gives Wrong Assessment of Greek Social-Democracy
May Day Speech: The Struggle of the Vietnamese People Punctured the Myth of U.S. Imperialist Invincibility

No. 6, July 15, 1985

Proletarian Internationalism or Petty-Bourgeois Nationalism: Should the Revolutionary Party of the Working Class be Divided on the Basis of Nationality?
From the Resolutions of the Second Congress of the MLP, USA, Fall, 1983
Lenin on the Unity of the Workers of All Nationalities in a Single Party
Stalin on the Unity of the Workers of All Nationalities in a Single Party
Advocating the Splitting of the Party on the Basis of Nationality Paves the Way for Splitting the Trade Unions on the Basis of Nationality

No. 7, September 25, 1985

On the revolutionary movement in the Philippines: Conciliation with liberalism is a dangerous course
Letter from Tennessee
Rambo – Bloodlust of the Bourgeoisie
The UAW and Chrysler The Fraud of Profit-sharing
Chrysler Wants Saturn-style Concessions
Scandal Rocks Local 7
Fight GE’s Productivity Drive
From a Postal Worker in Syracuse, NY
INS – Part of the War on Central America
Nicaraguan Marxist-Leninists Denounce Counterrevolutionary Alliance of Contras and the Internal Opposition
OMWLP Repeats the Errors of the Seventh World Congress of the CI
Reference Material: On the AIC of Chicago

No. 8, October 15, 1985

What Path for the Black Liberation Struggle?
Why the liquidationists of today champion the black nation theory
Resolution of the MLP on the black national question
From the Second Congress of the MLP on the black people’s movement
On the black national question and the right to self-determination
Maps and figures on the dispersal of the black people from the black belt South

No. 9, November 15, 1985

More on the path for the black liberation struggle: The History of the CPUSA and the CI on the Right to Self-Determination

No. 10, December 10, 1985

Interview with Comrade Isidro Tellez of the Marxist-Leninist Party of Nicaragua
Killing the Movement with Kindness – and Police (Speech at Boston Anti-Apartheid rally)
Poem on the Death of Benjamin Moloise
News from Iran
World Revisionist Symposium Lauds Errors of 7th C.I. Congress
Correction to last Issue of W.A.

Volume 2:

No. 1, January 15, 1986

On Nationality Organization
CLP Quakes Before the Hammer and Sickle
Letter on the Struggle in Texas Prisons
“Operation Taxicab” in Chicago: Another Outrage Against the Immigrants
“Left-wing” Apologists for Farrakhan
Organizing Solidarity for the Pratt and Whitney Strike
Revisionists Laud Imperialist Foreign Policy of the AFL-CIO
Reference Material on the Foundation of the National Rank and File Against Concessions

No. 2, February 20, 1986

Hearings on the bombing of MOVE: The police were out for murder
On the Stand of the CP of the Philippines Towards the Liberals and the Election Fraud
Boycott the Snap Election, Advance the Revolution
Postal Letter carriers Face Catch 22
Beginning Vol. 3 of The Student
Correction on “Low Intensity Warfare” C

No. 3, March 15, 1986

On the defense of the Nicaraguan revolution: Castro’s Revisionism Weakens the Struggle Against U.S. Imperialism
Down with Anti-immigrant Libel: The Myth of the Freeloading Immigrant
New INS Schemes to oppress the Immigrant Workers: Tightening the Screws
News on the Struggle in the Texas Prisons: Texas Prisoner Denounces “60 Minutes”
The List of Grievances in the Texas Prison Hunger Strike
News from Colombia: CP of Colombia (ML) Declares: “Forward with the Election Boycott!”
The EPL Stages Armed Action Against Troops Sent To Suppress a Work. Stoppage in Uraba

No. 4, April 15, 1986

France and the New Line of the 7th Congress
The French Communist Party – 1934-1937
Background Notes on the French Working Class Movement in the 1930’s
On the Seventh Congress of the Comintern

No. 5, May 20, 1986

The 100th anniversary of May Day
On The Color Purple
Kemp, Fair Haired Boy of the Bourgeoisie, Denounced in Buffalo
On the Spirited Strike at Northern Telecom
Editorial of “Arm the Spirit”
Reference Material for last Issue’s Articles on “France and the New Line of the 7th Congress”

No. 6, July 15, 1986

Between the Sixth and Seventh Congresses
On the Dellums Anti-Apartheid Bill
Liberal Bourgeoisie in South Africa Scolds the Anti-Apartheid Movement in the U.S.
Berkeley: Reformists Oppose the Mass Struggle And Long for the Fleshpots of the Power That Be
Chicago: Upper Strata of the Nationalities Support La Migra
NY Transit Workers: Your United Action Is Worth More than 100 Hearings
Portuguese Marxist-Leninists on the Situation in the Brazilian communist movement
MLP of Nicaragua: The Sandinista Agrarian Reform Changes for the Worse
Canadian liquidators Praise New Zealand Social-Democrats (On CPC(ML)
Correspondence: On Tom Hayden

No. 7, August 25, 1986

From the Solidarity Tour: Building ties with the workers and peasants of Nicaragua S
truggle of the NYNEX Telephone Workers
UAW Bureaucrats Move Towards Company Unionism at Jefferson Auto Assembly Plant
Revisionist CPUSA’s “Only Hope” – the Sellout Trade Union Bureaucrats
Correspondence from Behind the Walls
From the Communist Party of Iran

No. 8, October 15, 1986

The Spanish Civil War and problems in the present-day movement in Spain
On the line of the CP of Spain/ML
The Communist Party of the Philippines and the Aquino regime
The New Zealand’s Labor Government’s Two-Faced Stand before the Anti-nuclear movement
From a New Zealand Government Journal
Correction to the address for “Arm the Spirit” and P.U.R.E.

No. 9, December 10, 1986

Trends in the strike movement
Who backed the brutal anti-immigrant Simpson-Rodino bill?
On the Hasenfus affair
Support the Nicaraguan Workers’ Press
From the Nicaraguan Workers’ Press

Volume 3:

No. 1, January 20, 1987

Down with the Howard Beach lynching! For mass struggle against the racists and their government protectors!
Noah Roisten Goes on Trial for Fighting Back. Against Racist Attack
Brazil: Sarney Sends Troops Against Strike
Uruguay: Masses Oppose Amnesty for Military
Protests in West Germany
From the Solidarity Tour to Nicaragua: On the Economic Situation
The Plot to Blow up the U.S. Embassy and Blame It on Nicaragua
Correction on Roybal
Who Helps the University Administrations Fight the Anti-Apartheid Activists?
Support Campus Food Service Workers
Mr. “Freedom” Bodine Curses Communism
Lessons of the Kaiser Strike
Chrysler’s Word is Worthless
Boston School Board Seeks Revenge
From the Third National Conference of the MLP: Opening Speech; Building an In-Plant Distribution Network
Two Poems by Roque Dalton

No. 2, February 15, 1987

The defense of Noah Roisten
From the Third National Conference: Drawing the Working class into the political movement
Our Differences with the Ninth Congress of the Party of Labor of Albania

No. 3, March 20, 1987

The CPUSA’s work in auto and the change in line of the mid-1930’s
The Democratic Party on Nicaragua and the Dodd moratorium bill
The Broederbond document and the Tambo-Shultz meeting
Harold Washington and Chicago elections
Plant closings expose USX contract
Letter on the struggle against drug testing in the work place
On the fight against layoffs at GE-Lynn

No. 4, April 10, 1987

No to the nuclear waste dump at Hanford, Washington!
Postal workers: Get prepared for the contract struggle!
Crisis of the homeless in Massachusetts exposes Democratic presidential hopeful Dukakis as a Reaganite
The liberal Aquino and the Mendiola massacre in the Philippines
Against reformist sectarianism in the anti-racist movement at MIT
Strike wave in Yugoslavia
Latino workers on strike at Douglas Furniture in Chicago

No. 5, May 20, 1987

Working class internationalism and the immigrants
Aquino’s labor code preserves Philippine anti-strike laws
Prison correspondence
Postal workers at FDR station win demand, for a nurse
Buffalo: 10-month strike continues at J.H. Williams
“Non-traditional negotiating” at GM’s Chevy engine plant in Tonawanda
Demonstration outside GM headquarters
On “Bolshevik Tendency”: Underneath the revolutionary phrases, Trotskyism follows in the wake of reformism

No. 6, June 20, 1987

The collapse of the Spanish Republic, March 1939
New York Transit Authority Kills Again
May Day Speeches
Correction to last issue’s article on BT

No. 7, July 20, 1987

Twenty years of Israeli occupation’ of the West Bank and the Gala Strip
On Some plans of the CP of Iran for the resurgence of world Marxism-Leninism
News from Iran
How to Contact the CP of Iran
Arms control talks
Goetz Verdict – Invitation to Racist Murder
Demonstration at site of National Young Reaganites convention
No to Repression of Activists at MIT
Drug Testing – Inaccurate, Repressive
Why the Overheated Street Cars in Summer?
Ravishing of Public Health in California
Workplace News in Brief
At Oscar Mayer: Differing Stands of the union bureaucracy and the communists on the right to vote Bureaucrats and the Canadian Postal Strike
Prisoner Correspondence
Defend Prison Activist Alberto Aranda!

No. 8, August 20, 1987

More news from the delegation to Nicaragua
Where’s Our Contract?
Conyers’ Moratorium-Plant-Closing Bill
Six Days a Week, and a Double-Shift on the Seventh
On the Literary Debate
Literature and the Class Struggle
Prisoner Correspondence

No. 9, September 10, 1987

The Central American regional agreement – Plan for stabilizing the death-squad regimes and undermining the Nicaraguan revolution
Text of Central American Peace Pact
News from Kurdistan
Hospital Strike in Buffalo
Nurses Strike in S.F. Bay Area
“Freedom” – the Capitalist Way – at Bodine Electric Company
Against Contracting Out and AFL-CIO Scabbing at Boston Transit
On the Sectarian Madrid Communique
Text of the Communtque

No. 10, October 20, 1987

The Nicaraguan Marxist-Leninists declare: The peace pact was negotiated with a gun at Nicaragua’s head
The Arias plan and the line of the world communist movement
Mexican Independence Day and the class struggle
The coup failed, or did it? – Aquino veers further to the right
Portuguese Marxist-Leninists: “Why We are not voting”
Mistaken stand of the Party of Labor of Albania on Ethiopia
Behind the Korean strike statistics
Teachers strikes around the country
Boston school bus drivers strike
Degraff hospital strike in Buffalo
Postal: The contract’s been signed, but the struggle continues

No. 11, November 10, 1987

Arias pact in action – amnesty for Salvadoran death squads
Some facts about the Marxist-Leninist Party of Nicaragua (MAP-ML)
On the literary debate

No. 12, December 20, 1987

Defend the principles of scientific socialism!
Why the solidarity movement should not support the Central America pact
In memory of CP of Iran CC Member
U.S.-wide meeting of supporters of CPI
On Unity of All Nationalities in a Single Party
Protest of CP of Iran to the OMLWP
Free Moses Mayekiso, Head of National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa
Marxist-Leninist Formation of New Zealand on Labor Govt Attacks on Immigrants
Car Trains + Job Elimination = Danger
More Facts on the Ellis Lawrence case
Correspondence: Against the Guardian
Letter from MLP of Nicaragua
More on “Bolshevik Tendency”
Correction to New Developments in the Literary Debate

Volume 4:

No. 1, January 25, 1988

Down with Reagan’s war hysteria against Nicaragua!
In defense of revolutionary literature, A reply to the draft letter, Part 2
More on Bolshevik Tendency, Part 2

No. 2, February 20, 1988

Another racist ploy in Boston: Segregation in the name of ’stopping forced housing’
Reports from Boston
Reports from Detroit
Life at Bodine Electric Co.
Correspondence on the literary debate

No. 3, March 15, 1988

Class struggle in Nicaragua
No to U.S. imperialist fist on Panama!
News from the struggle in El Salvador
Swedish Marxist-Leninists on Palestine
Israeli terrorism on the high seas
What happened to the anti-revisionists in the CPUSA after World War II?

No. 4, April 15, 1988

What did Nicaragua get from the Sandinista-contra pact?
More news from the delegation to Nicaragua
Denounce cover up of racist abduction of Tawana Brawley
Pledge of Resistance: From no contra aid to “benefitting both sides”
Lowry and the liberals for contra aid
Text of the Sandinista-contra pact
7th CI Congress and the peace slogan
CP of Spain (ML) on Nicaragua and super-revolutionaries
Red Chronicle reports on Spain
Swedish Red Dawn on the left-wing of the trade union bureaucrats
A comment on some views of the Communist Party of Iran on socialism

No. 5, May 15, 1988

What’s happening with the Nicaraguan workers’ Movement?
More on the situation in Nicaragua
May Day Speech
May Day in Spain
Trends in Spanish anti-imperialist movt.
Swedish imperialism – merchant of war
Background to Afghanistan
Haitian refugees – semi-slaves in Dominican Republic
Anti-apartheid activists against zionism

No. 6, June 15, 1988

What kind of movement is Jesse Jackson building?
More news from Nicaragua
Background to the Polish strikes
Attempted right-wing coup in Guatemala
World in struggle
Anti-racist news
Strikes and workplace news
Seattle: Against more subcontracting
On the literary debate

No. 7, July 20, 1988

Jesse Jackson and the politics of empty promises
From the Communist Party of Iran
From the Nicaraguan Workers’ Press
From Swedish “Red Dawn
Guilford workers win 7 month rail strike
Postal worker’ news
U.S. labor hacks vs. French workers
Defend women workers at Great Lakes Steel
Inland Steel demands concessions

No. 8, August 15, 1988

The threat of drug testing
On the split among the Kurdish bourgeois nationalists
Great Lakes Steel: Bring back the workers fired because of drug tests
NY Postal Union Bureaucrats: Hand-in-hand with Management
NYC Transit: Givebacks Called Victories
Boston Transit: Parliamentary Delusions of Union Bureaucrats

No. 9, September 15, 1988

On the character of the Dominican revolution
Klan and Nazis, out of Marquette Park!
More struggle over Boston school busing
Red Chronicle on social-democracy in Spain
From the Nicaraguan workers’ press
Down with the war on the Kurds!
From the workers’ struggle inside Iran

No. 10, October 20, 1988

Cardenas and the Mexican election crisis
British strike and local postal news
Union/management anti-safety committee In New York transit
Racism, sexism, carpal tunnel at Boeing
“Labor” governments in Australia
World bankers’ meeting denounced In Berlin
What we saw in Nicaragua – July 1988
Ungo and Zamora criticized by “Salvadoran Workers’ Tendency”

No. 11, November 20, 1988

Down with the anti-abortion fanatics! Defend the rights of working class women!
The St. Louis Chrysler strike and the UAW’s “New Directions Movement”
Red Dawn on Swedish elections
News briefs from the “war on drugs”
A glimpse at “employee involvement” in postal route revision
Will working longer and harder stop piece-meal privatization of the postal system?
The struggle against GE’s “worker involvement group”

No. 12, December 20, 1988

Following this path, the working class will construct a new world
Also from the Third Congress
Juries find Larry Davis acted in self-defense vs. New York police department
Defy UC-Berkeley’s clampdown on protest
CAA speech at Torchlight rally
Bangladesh: activists on flood and tyranny
New Zealand: workers march vs. unemployment
Sweden: “Red Dawn” on PLO mini-state

Volume 5:

No. 1, January 16, 1989

The and degeneration of Soviet socialism and the turn of the mid-1930’s
Speech on the principles of socialism
Spain: Social-democratic government betrays anti-nuclear promises
Bangladesh: The week of struggle
Philippines: 1917 Bolshevik revolution and the path ahead
Texas prisons: The Alberto Aranda case
From Alberto Aranda

No. 2, February 15, 1989

The government’s “war on drugs” is a war on black people and’ youth
NOW vs. the pro-choice militants
Why is Washington Hitting Up on Libya?
On the Chicago mayoral primary
Why we are picketing today
At the Fort Street General Mail Facility in Detroit
No to speedup and job combination at Swingline!
Study Plan on the Marxist-Leninist Idea of Socialism (Part One)
Discussion following the speech on the stage of the Party’s work on socialism
The Trotskyist BLT backs Soviet revisionist military action against the “great majority of Afghanistan’s population”

No. 3, March 15, 1989

The politics of, ’National Accord’ and ’Progressive Turn’ in the Dominican Republic
RCPB(ML) condemns Salman Rushdie: On their knees before fundamentalism
Haitian refugees protest detention in Miami
Punish war criminal North!
More Arias plan pressure against Nicaragua
How the Sandinistas deal with economic crisis
Detroit incinerator protest
Introducing the ’Bay Area Workers Voice’
Release Clarence Bradley! Three years of workers’ politics in Portugal
Swedish Marxist-Leninists on second national meeting of “Dala Uprising” vs the capitalist offensive
War bases get an extended life in Australia thanks to Hawke labor government

No. 4, April 15, 1989

The Whidbey Island anti-skinhead protest and the debate on how to fight racism
In Boston Transit: Reinstate motorman Mike· Campbell!
Speeches and Discussions from the Third Congress
The Stockton massacre was a racist attack
Chicago mayoral elections have nothing to offer
Pie in the sky from the liberal Democrats

No. 5, May 15, 1989

The ACWM(ML) and the resistance movement
Other May Day Speeches
CUNY students defeat tuition increase!
Mark Mitchell acquitted!
Dangerous fumes at FDR postal station in New York
From the Nicaraguan Workers’ Press

No. 6, June 20, 1989

On recent stands of the CP of Colombia (ML): Marxism-Leninism cannot be reconciled with Castroism
May Day Speech
Native People Against Pollution
Fraternity promotes rape
NY homeless against building demolitions
2 years of Simpson-Rodino
Anti-racism news
Bush’s bank bailout Guyana: workers against austerity
RCPB(ML) wants to outlaw blasphemy
Some news from Iran
Swedish Red Dawn on May Day
4th assembly of Portuguese OCPO
A comment on the Marxist-Leninist Party of Nicaragua’s pamphlet “On the International Situation” International working class unity and the struggle against opportunism
From the Marxist-Leninist Party of Nicaragua: The political organization of the international working class
Prisoner Correspondence

No. 7, August 10, 1989

Two articles on the degeneration of the Soviet Union from the Swedish “Red Dawn”
A comment on the Swedish comrades’ articles: How to approach the study of capitalist restoration in the Soviet Union
On the Stalinist counter-revolution in the Soviet Union

No. 8, September 10, 1989

Notes from Nicaragua–Part Two: Neither the FSLN nor the capitalist parties have a solution
Justice for Yusuf Hawkins!
Condemn the assassination of communist militant Gholam Keshavarz by the Islamic regime of Iran!
May Day 1989 in Iran
A new revival of the working class movement in Bangladesh
Down with police brutality and torture!
Boeing apartheid–time to challenge a decades-old system
Vindicated, in court, postal worker Mark Mitchell is fired anyway
Police at the telephone strike, and at the abortion clinics: A comparison
About the protest at Chrysler headquarters: Why communists fight for the laid off, while union officials sit around
The Detroit mayoral primary

No. 9, October 15, 1989

The monopoly capitalist basis of the American political mainstream
Notes from Nicaragua–Part Four
From the Nicaraguan workers’ press
“Casualties of war” and casualties of the retelling of the war
Support the Boeing Strike!
10th month of auto parts strike in Syracuse
At GLS steel
Philippine KPRP on the events in China

No. 10, November 15, 1989

Detroit NOW demands out support for police
Religious fanatics for “traditional values” of witch-hunting against AIDS-afflicted and gays
Threats to the status of Nicaraguan women
“Solidarity” government makes Polish workers poorer
“Humanitarian” West Germany checks skin color

Volume 6:

No. 1, January 15, 1990

Philippines: Another coup attempt, another, step towards repression
New Year’s Speeches
Marxist-Leninist League of Sweden Founded
At Great Lakes Steel in Detroit: Company negligence killed Juan Gomez

No. 2, February 15, 1990

The CPUSA and the unemployed movement of the 1930’s
Boston transit workers squeezed to pay the banks
Fight for free universal child care
Postal service sick leave policy: If they’re sick – fire them!
New York: Transit Authority drug test scandal
From the Nicaraguan workers’ press
Communist workers of the Philippines on recent events
From the Documents of the Founding Conference of the Marxist-Leninist League of Sweden: Resolution on imperialism, the struggle of the oppressed people and the tasks of solidarity work
On the Swedish comrades’ resolution on imperialism and the oppressed countries

No. 3, March 20, 1990

Our Views on the Nicaraguan Elections
On the National Clinic Defense Conference Detroit, March 1990
RCP and “Refuse & Resist” are silent about NOW’s attacks on the movement
Will PL support choice?
WWP defend Ceausescu’s revisionist, anti-woman tyranny as ’socialism’
From “New York Workers’ Voice”
From “Boston Worker”
Defend our sick-leave rights!
The Great California Malathion War
Rallies of Boeing engineers force improvement in contract
Down with the revisionism of the 7th CI Congress!

No. 4, May 15, 1990

The Sandinistas want to be junior partners, while the Marxist-Leninists are with the strikers
Marxist-Leninist Party of Nicaragua (MAP-ML) on the new situation
The national coordinating committee and the Detroit clinic defense conference
Anti-demonstration laws in Oakland County, MI
Why postage rates are going up
UAW elections at Jefferson auto in Detroit
Swedish comrades reply on the question of Soviet history: What is state capitalism and why has it arisen?
Our views on the Swedish article on the method for studying Soviet history
Haitian people force another tyrant into exile

No. 5, June 15, 1990

The Collapse of Revisionism and the Prospects for Working Class Struggle
Earth Day actions
Executions by racist police in Chicago!
Down with South Boston’s racist politicians!
Fighting for truly independent unions in the Philippines
Reference material on the crisis in Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia
Childcare: An ounce of assistance for a ton of need
From the Portuguese Marxist-Leninists: Trotsky before 1917
Our views on the Swedish article on the method for studying Soviet history (conclusion)

No. 6, July 15, 1990

On Mandela’s tour of the U.S. and the prospects for South Africa
More on Mandela’s Visit
Trackworkers press petition despite repression
Workplace-related deaths in New York
In a Michigan branch of the NALC: What’s behind union officials’ hysteria against the Marxist-Leninists?
The bourgeoisie says communism is dead, but the working class continues to grow
General definitions and descriptions of socialism

No. 7, August 15, 1990

General definitions and descriptions of socialism (II)

No. 9, November 20, 1990

What path forward for the abortion rights movement in Chicago?
Smash: the racist skinheads with militant action!
Build mass actions to fight racism!
Thought control squad attacks militant New York transit workers
Postal workers, what do we need in the new contract?
Background material on the Trotskyist IS and ISO: On the history of the “International Socialists tendency” in the U.S.

No. 10, December 15, 1990

Will Congress challenge the war drive?
School News in Brief
Strikes and work place news in brief
The pro-establishment clinic defense conference
The results of NOW’s electoral strategy
Materials from the Fourth National Conference of the Marxist-Leninist Party
Solidarity government sneaks religion into Polish schools
On Red Dawn’s views on permanent revolution and three worldism

Volume 7:

No. 1, January 20, 1991

No More Blood For Imperialism
Despite media censorship: Anti-war protest builds
More on the War
Injured and Handicapped Postal Workers United
Shame on the APWU hacks for attacking the injured workers’ picket
On the collapse of revisionism Speech at the Fourth National Conference of the MLP

No. 2, February 20, 1991

Stop the bombing! U.S. imperialism, get out of the gulf!
The liberal democrats want a kinder, gentler, imperialist war
More on the War
The Communist Party of Iran denounces the war
NY postal: Cancelling contract struggle in the name of the war
Recession comes to steel
Anti-racist news
No to red, white, and blue racism against the Arabs!
Defend women’s rights!
The population bomb is a dud!
The centennial of the Wounded Knee massacre: One hundred years of lies
Trotskyist “Spartacist League” on the “Defend Iraq” slogan

No. 3, March 15, 1991

Operation desert massacre
Detroit APWU union head vs. the injured workers’ group
Postal workers: defeat the paycut contract!
Bush’s energy plan zaps environmentalism
Bush shifts transportation crisis onto the states
Why did the Emergency Coalition try to cancel the Chicago anti-war march of February 25th?
Anti-imperialism, Kurdistan, and the rule of Saddam Hussein
Despite police and censorship, anti-war demonstrations in Egypt
Australian “Workers Voice”: Oppose imperialist war in the Gulf
Portuguese Politica Operaria Replying to the American communists

No. 4, April 20, 1991

Military and CIA recruiters, get out of the high schools
Sham militancy or real struggle
On the views of the Portuguese comrades on the tasks during the collapse of revisionism: Communism develops with the class struggle
Trotskyist “Spartacist League” on MLP’s refutation of the “Defend Iraq” slogan
Building an anti-imperialist movement, or putting hopes in Hussein’s military?

No. 5, June 15, 1991

May Day Speech
News in Brief
More on the views of the Portuguese comrades: Were we wrong to denounce the Soviet Union as imperialist?
Building an anti-imperialist movement or putting hopes in Hussein’s military? Part Three
On Debates
On some questions with regard to women’s liberation

No. 6, July 20, 1991

The technical and cultural basis for workers’ socialism in the modern world
Police and courts help nazi skinheads frameup anti-racist skinheads
From the Communist Party of Iran: Iraqi Kurds; victims of whom?
A comment on the views of the Communist Party of Iran on the Iraqi Kurdish uprising
Some questions of Soviet history

No. 7, August 20, 1991

Some theoretical questions concerning Soviet history
Defend the immigrant workers!
How Weld robs the poor in Massachusetts

No. 8, October 20, 1991

What sources are available for the study of Soviet history?
A working bibliography on Soviet history
Down with the Coup! Support Haitian Workers!
Racist police infect the country
More demonstrations against Cracker Barrel bigotry
Against the economic squeeze
Health care: cutbacks for the poor to pay for more cream for the rich
Gus Hall looks to the heavens for salvation
The economic situation, and the mass movement, in the Dominican Republic
“People’s Age” – a new, revolutionary journal from Bangladesh
Hurricane deaths need not have been
What Bangladesh migrants face in Saudi Arabia
What about as demonstration against the massacre of the Kurds?
Reply to the Portuguese communists: On the silence about the Iraqi Kurds

No. 9, December 20, 1991

Bankers as looters
On the movement against the Persian Gulf war
In Brief
A postal workers’ speak out on the Royal Oaks tragedy
State budget crisis in Washington to be dumped on the backs of workers and poor
On recent developments in the pro-choice struggle

Volume 8:

No. 1, January 20, 1992

Columbus’s legacy: 500 years of racism, stolen land and genocide
More on the material basis for socialism in the modern world
After the Soviet Union: On the new Commonwealth of Independent States
“Friends of democracy” – a death squad against Puerto Rican activists
At the workplace
Repression: A Growth Industry
In Brief

No. 2, February 20, 1992

Transit workers –shut Brooklyn Bridge, lay siege to union hall!
More on the material basis for socialism in the modern world (2)
Why did the Seattle police attack the anti-racist march on Capitol Hill?
Strikes in brief
On Bani-Sadr

No. 3, March 20, 1992

A list of selected articles from the Workers’ Advocate

No. 4, April 20, 1992

More on the material basis for socialism in the modern world (3)
The Freedom of Choice Act and the April 5 demonstration
Against Racism and Police Brutality
The limits of recycling within a system built on throw-away people
Monopoly capitalist groupings in Chicago, and the twists of local politics
Women’s oppression blessed by Bible
In brief

No. 5, May 20, 1992

More on the material basis for socialism in the modern world (4)
The Bolshevik revolution and the emancipation of women–Introduction
The racist system has got to go!
The condition of the Iraqi working class under the Ba’ath regime and its wars
In brief

No. 6, July 25, 1992

More on the material basis for socialism in the modern world (5)
The resegregation of Seattle
Peru: Fujimori massacres leftist prisoners in four-day prison battle
World in struggle
From ’People’s Age’ of Bangladesh: We need a movement to block the layoff of 100,000 Workers

No. 7, December 20, 1992

More on the material basis for socialism in the modern world (6)
The Bolshevik revolution and the emancipation of women, part 2
Behind the violence at the Cabrini-Green high-rise
How to keep the clinics open in Chicago
Pro-choice forces in New York dwarf “chain of life”
Another apologist of Columbus
Support bilingual education!
Italian workers and youth condemn fascism
Earth First! and the population bomb

Volume 9:

No. 1, February 15, 1993

Unemployment and the lack of job creation – causes and effects
The rich get richer
List of articles on women’s liberation
At the workplace
Looking backward into the future

No. 2, March 20, 1993

The changing composition and stratification of the working class
Boston: Why the fuss over gays in the St. Patrick’s Day parade?
In memory of Dr. David Gunn
The blood is on the hands of the anti-abortion leaders
Family leave –for a few
Clinton’s economic plan
Cutting Medicare and Medicaid
Support the homeless
Another strike over health benefits
Anti-racist news items
Oil and U.S. Intervention in Somalia
More agony In Africa: Zaire In crisis

No. 3, May 20, 1993

Which way for health care: Protecting profits or protecting health?
The Truth About El Salvador
The restructuring of the world economy and the future of working-class communism
Bellamy’s utopia and what the society of tomorrow will look like
Racism and cutbacks in health care
More on healthcare

No. 4, July 1, 1993

The Bolshevik revolution and the emancipation of women: part 3:
Zambia: A growing economy gets wrecked
All out against Operation Rescue!
Articles on Health Care
The North American Free Trade Agreement and the workers’ struggle
Italians say no to the ’partyocracy’ system
Hazardous storage at Michigan nuclear power plant
Government exposes Innuit people to nuclear radiation
Population, technology and environmental devastation