Australian History, 1927.

Victorian Labor College Syllabus, 1927.

by the Victorian Labor College

Source: "Reason in Revolt", Source documents of Australian Radicalism.
Published: by Labor Call Print, Melbourne, 1927.
Transcription/HTML: by Kevin Goins.
Public Domain: Marxists Internet Archive (2007). You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.


Controlled by Affiliated Unions, Trades Hall, Melbourne.

The aim of the Labor College is to turn out Class-conscious Workers,
and thus enable them to play a more intelligent art in the Class Struggle.



The First Term for 1927 Commences
on 21st February


Monday, Feb. 21 – Social Theory.
Tuesday, Feb. 22 – Industrial History.
Wednesday, Feb. 23 – Economics.
All Classes are held at Room 58,
Trades Hall, Melbourne, at 8 o'clock.
Winter Lectures are to be arranged.


Social Theory Course
          Twelve Lectures.
  Class Leader: F. STEVENS.
   Outlining the subjects necessary to a clear understanding
of Working Class problems.
The main points dealt with are as under: –
   Political Theories as matters of opinion.
   Class Bias in the solution of Social Problems.
   Correct Thinking essential to an understanding of Social matters.
   History as the foundation of the modern Working Class viewpoint.

   Changes in: –
      (a) Form of Society;
      (b) Method of Production;
      (c) Method of Thinking.
   What these changes mean.
   History as a natural process.


      Economics Course
             Fourteen Lectures.
    Class Leader: G. BARACCHI.
   This Course aims to equip workers with an elementary knowledge
of the real foundations of Capitalist society, a knowledge on which
they may base their struggle to end Capitalism. It is likewise intended
to serve as a guide to further independent study, and will range over the
following ground: –
   1. The Place of Economics in Social Science.
   2. Pre-Capitalist Economic Systems.
   3. Simple Production of Commodities.
      (Value – Money and Price – Fetish value of Commodities.)
   4. Capitalist Production.
      (Capital and Surplus Value – Labor Power and Wages –
      The Working Day – Co-operation and Division of Labor –
      Machinery and Modern Industry – Accumulation of Capital and
      Relative Surplus Production.)
   5. Division of the Surplus Value.
      (Profit and Average Profit – Interest – Real – Taxation.)
   6. Crises.
   7. Imperialism as the Last Stage of Capitalism.
      (Monopoly and Finance Capital.)
   8. Socialist Economy.
Classes will commence punctually at 8 p.m., and regular attendance is


Industrial History Course
          Fourteen Lectures.
     Class Leader: E. G. HART.
   This Course seeks to explain by what means Capitalism has grown to
its present condition, and show the interplay of the forces now operating
in modern society.

   1. The Economic System as it is.
   2. Before Modern Capitalism –
       (a) Village Economy.
   3. (b) Town Economy.
   4. The Rise of Modern Capitalism.
   5. The Industrial Revolution.
   6. The Effect on the Workers.
   7. Organising in Trade Unions.
   8. Australia a Century Ago.
   9. Capitalism Full Grown.
 10. Competition and Combination.
 11. Australian Industrial Problems.
 12. Industrial Unrest.
 13. The Development of Social Classes.
 14. Discussion Night.

 Students are requested to attend Punctually and Regularly.



Classes will Commence
Punctually at 8 p.m., and
Regular Attendance is


Victorian Labor College
President: W. J. Duggan.

Secretary: E. HART,
Box 39, Trades Hall, Melbourne.




Main Entrance, Trades Hall.


Buy your Books from your own Bookstall.
Full Stocks of Books Workers Should Read.

Technical Books may also be procured.

[This pamphlet was marked with a stamp entitled: “Union Label” and noted: “Labour Call Print, Patrick St., Melbourne.”]