Marxist Writers: Gregory Zinoviev
Gregory Zinoviev Archive
The Social Roots of Opportunism (1916)
Two Eras of War (1916)
Wars – Defensive and Aggressive (1916)
What is Imperialism? (1916)
On the Present Situation (October 11, 1917)
Resignations from the Bolshevik Central Committee (November 4, 1917)
Lenin (pamphlet) (1918)
New Crime of the German “Social-Democratic Government” (1919)
The Cradle of the Revolution (1919)
Circular Letter to Comintern-Affiliated Parties on Parliamentarism and the Soviets (September 1, 1919)
To The Proletarian Youth (1919)
Karl Liebknecht and the War (1920s)
Against the Vienna International: The Two-and-a-half International (on behalf of the ECCI) (1921)
To the Yellow Trade Unions (1921)
Excerpts from the Official Statement of the Communist International Executive Committee on Comrades Serrati and Levy (1921)
The Communist Party and Industrial Unionism (1921)
Otsovism (1921)
The Tactics of the Communist International (1921)
The Italian Socialist Party (1921)
The Russian Communist Party During Four Years of Revolution (1921)
The Strike in the Workers’ State (1922)
Letter of the CC of the RCP, to the Session of the Enlarged ECCI (with Trotsky) (1922)
The Consolidation of the Party and its New Tasks (1922)
“When Will the Workers’ World Congress Take Place?” (1922)
Telegram of the Communist International to Jim Larkin (1922)
Telegram from the E.C. of the Comintern to Anatole France (with L.-O. Frossard) (1922)
Comrade Zinoviev’s Speech on the United Front (1922)
The Englarged Executive Committee on the Norwegian Party (with N. Bukharin, B. Smeral & O. Kuusinen) (1922)
How the Italian Socialist Party Was Destroyed (1922)
The Birth of a Communist Party (1922)
The Interior Policy of the Communist Party of Russia (1922)
The White Terror – To the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Germany (1922)
The Political Situation in Russia and the Russian Trade Unions (1922)
The Recovery of Lenin (1922)
The Victory of the Communist International (1922)
The Immortal in the Russian Revolution (1922)
The Central Committee of the International Communist Party on the IV. World Congress (1922)
Zinoviev on the Work of the Executive and the Tactics of the Comintern (report of opening session of 4th Congress of the Comintern) (1922)
A Five-Years’ Lesson (1922)
War & Leninism (Unknown)
The IV. World Congress (1923)
The E.C.C.I. and the R.I.L.U. to the Workers of the World (on behalf of ECCI & RILU) (1923)
A letter from Bukharin and Zinoviev to Jousselin, judge of the French Court of Inquiry (letter, with Bukharin) (1923)
The Tasks of the Russian Communist Party (1923)
The Bolsheviki and the Hegemony of the Proletariat (1923)
V.V. Vorovsky (P. Orlovsky) (1923)
The Petrograd Soviet on the War Danger (1923)
Speech at Session of Enlarged Executive of C.I. (1923)
The Enlarged Executive – Tenth Day of Session (1923)
Concluding Speech (1923)
On the Events in Bulgaria (1923)
The Lessons of the Bulgarian Upheaval (1923)
A Letter from the President of the E.C.C.I. to the Central Committee of the Socialist Party of Italy (1923)
Five Years (1923)
The Tasks of the International Youth (1923)
The Import of the Events in Bulgaria (1923)The Problems of the German Revolution (series) (1923)
1. The Classic Proletarian Character of the Approaching German Revolution
2. The Cunning Legend of the “Alliance” between Communists and National Socialists
3. The Working Class, the Communists and the Social Democrats
4. No Illusions
5. The Foreign Political Difficulties of the German RevolutionThe Last Illusion Gone (1923)
The Second Wave of International Revolution (1923)
Speech at the Sixth All-Russian Trade Union Congress (Part 2) (1924)
Bolshevism or Trotskyism (1925)
Speech at the Seventh Enlarged Plenum of the ECCI (1926)
Theses on the Chinese Revolution (1927)
On the Party Regime (1927)
Minutes of the Second Congress of the Communist International (1920)
Opening Address at 2nd Congress of Comintern
To Baku Congress
Opening Discussion On Role of the Party in the Revolution (Opening) (Reply)
On Conditions for Entry into the Communist International
On Conditions of Admission to the International at 2nd Congress
On the Formation of Soviets at 2nd Congress of Comintern
Closing Address at 2nd Congress of Comintern
Minutes and Transcriptions from the Third Congress of the Communist International (1921) — Translated by John Riddell
Speech at Opening Session Third Congress of the Communist International June 22, 1921
Report on the Activity of the Executive Committee June 25, 1921
Summary to Discussion of Executive Committee Report June 29, 1921
Summary to Discussion of Executive Committee Report July 2, 1921
Speech at Closing of Third Congress by Gregory Zinoviev July 12, 1921
Minutes and Transcriptions from the Fourth Congress of the Communist International (1922) — Translated by John Riddell
Speech at Opening Session Fourth Congress of the Communist International November 3, 1922
Report of the Executive Committee of the Communist International to the 4th Congress November 9–10, 1922
Alternative translation of above speech from International Press Correspondence
Summary to Discussion of Executive Committee Report November 12, 1922
Alternative translation of above speech from International Press Correspondence
Report on Italian QuestionDecember 4, 1922
Speech at Closing of 4th Congress of the Communist International December 5, 1922
Alternative translation of above speech from International Press Correspondence
Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin 1933
Selections from History of the Bolshevik Party
Selected works in RUSSIAN produced by the Soviet Government. Six of Sixteen Volumes:
Sochineniia [Works]
(published 1923–1929)
Volume 1: Iz istorii Bol’shevizma (1906–1910 gg.) [From the History of Bolshevism]
Volume 2: Iz istorii Bol’shevizma (1911–1913 gg.) [From the History of Bolshevism]
Volume 3: Iz epokhi Zvezdy i Pravdy (1910–1913 gg.) [From the Period of The Star and Pravda]
Volume 4: Iz epokhi Zvezdy i Pravdy (1913–1914 gg.) [From the Period of The Star and Pravda]
Volume 5: Protiv techeniia (1914–1917 gg.) [Against the Current]
Volume 6: Professional’noe dvizhenie (1908–1917 gg.) [The Professional Movement]
Volume 7: Professional’noe dvizhenie (1917–1923 gg.) [The Professional Movement]
Volume 8: Ot Fevralia k Oktiabriu (1917 g.) [From February to October]
Volume 9: Voina i krizis sotsializma (1915–1917 gg.) [War and the Crisis of Socialism]
Volume 10: Kommuinisticheskii Internatsional (1915–1919 gg.) [The Communist International]
Volume 11: Kommuinisticheskii Internatsional (1920–1923 gg.) [The Communist International]
Volume 12: Zashchita Sovetskoi Rossii i organizatsiia Krasnoi Armii (1918–1920 gg.) [The Defense of Soviet Russia and Organization of the Red Army]
Volume 13: Bor’ba za Petrograd (1919 g.) [The Struggle for Petrograd]
Volume 14: Rechi na partiinykh s”ezdax i konferntsiiakh [Speeches at party congresses and conferences]
Volume 15: Istoriia Rossiiskoi Kommunisticheskoi Partii [History of the Russian Communist Party]
Volume 16: Osnovopolozhniki i vozhdi kommunizma [Founders and Leaders of Communism]
Last updated on 25 December 2024