Y. Tsedenbal


Message of Condolence Sent to Fidel Castro Upon the Death of Osvaldo Dorticos Torrado



First Published: In Ulaanbaatar, in Montsame, in Russian, 4 July 1983.
Source of the translation: Mongolia Report, No. 369 (20 October 1983), page 15. United States Defense Technical Information Center, Arlington (VA), USA.
Transcription/HTML/Markup for marxists.org: April 2024.



On behalf of the MPRP Central Committee and the government of the MPR, and myself personally, I send you our deep condolences on the death of Osvaldo Dorticos Torrado, member of the Politburo of the Cuban Communist Party Central Committee.

"The memory of the ardent revolutionary and patriot, comrade Dorticos, will remain in our hearts forever."