The Seventh (April) All-Russia Conference of the R.S.D.L.P.(B.)
APRIL 24–29, 1917
Speech on the Attitude Towards the Soviets
April 25 (May 8)
Comrade Lenin pointed out that the French revolution passed
through a phase of municipal revolution, that it drew its
strength from the local organs of self-government, which became
its mainstay. In the Russian revolution we observe a certain
bureaucratism in the centres, and a greater exercise of power
wielded by the Soviets
locally, in the provinces. In the capital cities the Soviets are
politically more dependent upon the bourgeois central
authorities than those in the provinces. In the centres it is
not so easy to take control of production; in the provinces this
has already been carried out to some extent. The inference
is—to strengthen the local Soviets. Progress in this
respect is possible, coming primarily from the provinces.
Pravda No. 42, April 27 (May 10), 1917 |
Published according to the the text in Pravda |